
Is your water bottle cooler clean?

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When the office manager looked at the photo she started to gag, she had been drinking from that water cooler for years.

Check your Nozzle

The nozzles on bottle-fed water coolers are low to the floor so they go unnoticed.  If they are not cleaned properly, molds, mildew and things you can’t see start to grow.  The problem is that people don’t realize how often bottle fed coolers need to be cleaned.  Below is an outline of the Health Canada recommendations for cleaning and maintenance for these coolers. It is not a convenient process to follow.

When our Sales team visits a potential customer they often use their smart phone to view the nozzle.  They know that very few businesses understand how dirty their coolers are. As in the case of the gagging office manage, the photos can be disgusting, and they close sales for us.

Waterlogic bottle free water coolers are developed to avoid these issues.

-Internal nozzle reduces the risk unwanted growths and back contamination to the tank.

-UV purification ensures that the water inside the tank is always clean and pure.

-BioCote Anti microbial coating makes sure that nothing will grow on the outside cover, buttons, nozzle or drip tray.

If you would like to learn more contact us today at 1-888-473-7273 or [email protected]

WL250 Business

Health Canada recommendations for bottle fed water coolers:  

Section 22: What can I do to ensure the safe use of bottled water?

In the case of 18L bottles used with a dispenser,

  • Clean water coolers regularly (see instructions below).
  • Use water dispensers with coolers that keep the water refrigerated. Some units have heaters as well.
  • Use water coolers that filter the air that enters the bottle as the water is dispensed.

Section 27: How should a water cooler be cleaned

Cleaning your water cooler:


Note: Clean your bottled water cooler before every bottle change.

  • Unplug cord from electrical outlet of cooler.
  • Remove empty bottle (carboy).
  • Drain water from stainless steel reservoir(s) through faucet(s).
  • Prepare a disinfecting solution by adding one tablespoon (15 mL) household bleach to one Imperial gallon (4.5 L) of water solution.


  • Some companies suggest using one part vinegar to three parts water solution to clean the reservoir of scale before cleaning with bleach. Check your manual.

Note: Other disinfecting solutions may be suitable. Please check with your water cooler supplier/manual.

  • Pour the bleach/other disinfection solution into the resevoir.
  • Wash reservoir thoroughly with bleach solution and let stand for not less than two minutes (to be effective) and not more than five minutes (to prevent corrosion).
  • Drain bleach/disinfection solution from reservoir through faucet(s).
  • Rinse reservoir thoroughly with clean tap water, draining water through faucets, to remove traces of the bleach/disinfection solution.

Drip Tray (located under faucets):

  • Lift off drip tray.
  • Remove the screen and wash both tray and screen in mild detergent.
  • Rinse well in clean tap water and replace on cooler.

Replacing Bottle:

  • Wash hands with soap and warm water before handling. If you choose to use clean protective gloves (ex. latex), discard or disinfect after each use and prior to reuse.

Note : Protective gloves should never replace proper hand washing and hygiene.

  • Wipe the top and neck of the new bottle with a paper towel dipped in household bleach solution (1 tablespoon (15 ml) of bleach, 1 gallon (4.5 L) of water). Rubbing alcohol may also be used, but must be completely evaporated before placing the bottle in the cooler
  • Remove cap from new bottle without touching the surface of the opening to avoid any contamination. Place new bottle on cooler.

Adapted from instructions provided by Ken Orom, Calgary Board of Education, and, Calgary Health Services.


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